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Report for Street Names

Finds all named roads and reports those that aren't recognized as likely street or road names.
Note that most of these are likely correct. This report just narrows down the scope of names that need to be checked manually.


Unknown names

These names are not necessarily wrong, just not recognized as common street names or classified by some other name source.

Recognized street name suffixes

These names have common suffixes for street names, so they are assumed to be "real" street and road names.

Named after regional routes

The names of these roads match a regional road route. While technically incorrect (road name is not route name), these are commonly used and not invalid per se.

LVM roads

These roads are marked as operated by LVM and so they mostly have unique names.

Recognized names

These names were manually checked as having unique but valid street names in cadaster.

Kuldīga roads

These roads are listed as local Kuldīga region roads.

Source data

Provided as is; mistakes possible.